1944.Dream it.
LYCSAC company was established in 1944 from Argiris Lykogiannis.
At the beginning the company produced only travel items. The Second World War had just ended and the demand for big suitcases was augmenting as the emigration rate was high. Argiris Lykogiannis saw this as an opportunity and created a small company at the basement of this house.
Trivia for the funs of old greek cinema movies: most of the suitcases that you see in old greek cinema movies were produced by LYCSAC
1959.Create it.
Some years later the company also introduced the school-bag range and also moved to its own place- a small dungeon in the center of Athens, at Thission area next to the Acropolis
1974.Name it.
In 1974, as the company grew bigger, there was a need for a brand name. LYCsac- LYC taken from the family name and SAC is a shortcut for bag or backpack in Greek (saka or sakidio) was the final decision that is used ever since. Nassos Lykogiannis, Argiri’s son, enters the company in 1975. A young graphic designer creates the first logo for LYCSAC.
1984.Build it.
The business is growing and the small dungeon can not fit LYCSAC any more. In 1984, LYCsac moved to a new privately owned building (4.000 m2) situated in Metamorphosis Attica, a central area with easy access in the Northern suburbs of Athens and the national highway.
As the demand was rising, in 2000,the company started to produce in China in parallel with the production
in Greece, keeping the high quality standards that is know for.
2006.REbrand it.
LYCSAC looks for a new logo. The old one becomes history.
2024.Celebrate it.
LYCSAC celebrates its 80 birthday!
With a great production capacity, an italian design office, wide distribution in Greece and abroad, LYCSAC is growing for the next succesful years of creation, innovation, inspiration but first of all love for what we do. And once more the logo changes to a more modern version of it’s self.